Success comes from the people you get to work with. I am fortunate to work with several excellent collaborators and many wonderful students.
Collaborators, Past and Present
Patrick Bontoux, CNRS, France
Umberto D’Ortona, Aix-Marseille University
Denis Martinand, Aix-Marseille University
Julio M. Ottino, Northwestern University
Eric Serre, CNRS, France
Rob Sturman, University of Leeds
Paul Umbanhowar, Northwestern University
Graduate Students and Post-Docs
The Ottino-Lueptow research group in September 2013: Front Row (l-r) Richard Lueptow, Paul Park, Zafir Zaman, Julio M. Ottino; Second Row: Paul Umbanhowar, Austin Isner, Adam Spitulnik, Yi Fan; Back Row: Conor Schlick, Darius Wheeler, Dennis Diaz.
The Ottino-Lueptow Research Group in 2007: (l-r) Diego A. Melani Barreiro, Nick Pohlman, Ashley Smart, Pengfei Chen, Richard Lueptow, Julio Ottino, Gabriel Juarez, Steve Cisar, Steve Meier, Jiajun Wang.
The Lueptow Research Group in 2006: (l-r) Tapan Shah, Andi Petculescu, Antje Brucks, Nick Pohlman, Richard Lueptow, Yuan Yao.
Doctoral and PostDocs who I have advised or co-advised include (just a sample):
Ivan Christov, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Olivier Czarny, AREVA SA, France
Steve Meier, Exxon-Mobil
Steve Wereley, Purdue University
Pengfei Chen, UOP-Honeywell
Nick Pohlman, Northern Illinois University
Andi Petculescu, University of Louisiana
Steve Snarski, Applied Research Associates
Jay Schwille, Aerospace Corporation
Shannon Ciston, Unversity of California, Berkeley
Sangho Lee, Kookmin University, Korea
Yuan Yao, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Yeomin Yoon, University of South Carolina
Nitin Jain, ZS Associates
David Sheppard, US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
Alp Akonur, Baxter Healthcare
Augustin Min, Fenwal Inc.
Yi Fan, Dow Chemical Company
Undergraduate Research
We integrate undergraduates into our research program. Mechanical engineering student Marissa Krotter was lead author on the cover article in the International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in 2012. In addition to Northwestern undergraduates, students have visited from the French Air Force Academy, MIT, and the University of Bremen.